Saturday, November 29, 2014

Taken from an obscure out of print pamphlet about revival written in 1848 sent in by Daphne Chick:

For an illustration of this point, take the case
of Moses. When the Lord saw the idolatry of Israel,
he said to Moses their leader, " Let me alone
that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that
I may consume them, but I will make of thee a
great nation." What did Moses say to this ?
Why, just what no heartless professor would think
of saying. lie "besought the Lord his God, and
said, Why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy
people ? This people have sinned a great sin, yet
now, if thou wilt forgive their sin; and if not, blot me,
I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written."
Thus, throwing himself into the breach, like a prince,
he prevailed. 0, how intense must have been his
love for the people, and his desire for their preservation!
The idea of his personal acceptance, and
honor, were powerless to restrain him. The salvation
of Israel, and the interests of religion involved
therein, were of more consequence than any personal
advantage Bold as such attempts to arrest
justice may seem, God is infinitely pleased with
them.. That cold and sickly sentimentalism which
is so fearful of interfering with the divine sover-
eignty, that it dare not confidently ask any thing,
is an offence. It distrusts the goodness of God at
every step, and treats his promises as a lie. It
is baptized infidelity, rather than reverence and
humility, attributing to God secret purposes, at
variance with his nature and his oath.