Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

I have been humming the last verse of the Christmas song, AWAY IN THE MANGER for about a week. 

It goes like this: 

Be near me Lord Jesus I ask you to stay
Close by me forever and love me I pray
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care
And fit us for heaven to live with thee there. 

(Lyrics: Anonymous; Music: James R Murray 1841)  

The emphasis of my humming has been on the words, AND FIT US FOR HEAVEN. That little song and I have been carried away to a prayerful place -- a sweet and heavenly knowing that God is doing just that, fitting us for heaven.
What does FIT US mean?

While still pondering, I am transported to my father's tailor shop where I am seated with needle, thread and thimble. I am inundated with the ways of the tailor shop because I have been learning from him for an entire summer. The classical station is playing something soothing on the shop radio. The shop smells like a steam presser on its highest setting; like fabric is burning. It smells of three-and-one oil and mothballs. The front door is made of heavy glass. A bell hangs on the door knob. Each morning at 9 AM sharp dad unlocks the door that leads to a busy sidewalk. Father stands to greet his customers each time the bell jingles.   


"How can I help you today," asks Father?

 "I'm here for my fitting," replies the customer

This means a trip to the dressing room, a small closet-like enclosure. The customer finds a plain wooden chair, a full length mirror, a clothes hook and a coat hanger. With the slide of a curtain, he or she is ready to change clothes for the fitting. The curtain swishes opens and out comes the customer. 


Next, he stands on a platform in front of a three-way mirror. With a yellow measuring tape draped around his neck, a piece of white chalk in his hand, and several straight pins in his mouth, my dad commences to nip and tuck, mark and pin until he is satisfied with the fitting. Stitch by stitch, my dad and I tear that suit apart, cutting away along the lines, the markings, and the pins. He creates a custom pattern, lays out the material in pieces, and sews it back together again. After dry cleaning and pressing, the old garment looks new and fits just right. When the particular item is ready,  my father or I call the customer to tell them, "It is finished." 


While we walk this pilgrim way, we are being fitted for heaven. We are measured, marked, nipped here, tucked there and sometimes ripped apart. God has a customized pattern unique to our shape and size, which is created in His image and likeness. He lays us on his pattern, cuts, sews, dry cleans and presses us into a perfect fit. Since people -- not clothing -- are the garments in question, being fitted over a lifetime is an uncomfortable process. But we can be sure that when the tailor of heaven is finished with us, we will be fashioned for a comfortable, heavenly fit. We will be fit for heaven to live with Him there. 

This was made possible on the cross where Jesus declared, "IT IS FINISHED." 

Fine linen, bright and clean was given to her to wear (Revelation 19:8)

"Gospel ministers must be fit for the Master's use, and prepared to every good work if they would be vessels unto honor." - Nathaniel Appleton at the ordination of John Sargent, missionary to the Indians of Houssatonnoc, who manifested their desire to receive the Gospel - 1735


Anonymous said...

I want my garment to fit perfectly when I stand before my Bridegroom.

NO BALCONY said...

It will be, knit together in love.